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SkySquirrel Technologies Inc.

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The presence of drones in agriculture reportedly dates back to the 1980s in Japan for crop dusting. The agricultural drone market is forecast to reach $480 million by 2027. Nowadays, companies are leveraging AI and aerial technologies to boost crop health.

SkySquirrel Technologies Inc. is one of the companies bringing drone technology to vineyards. The company aims to help users improve their yields and reduce costs. Users pre-program the drone’s path and, once the device is installed, computer vision is recorded to capture images used for analysis.

Once the drone completes its journey, users can transfer a USB drive from the drone to a computer and upload the data to a cloud drive. SkySquirrel uses algorithms to integrate and analyze the captured images and data to produce a detailed report on the health of the vine, particularly the condition of the vine leaves. Because grape leaves are often a beacon for grape diseases (such as mold and bacteria), reading the “health” of the leaves is often a good tool for understanding the plants and their fruit as a whole.

The team at SkySquirrel Technologies briefly describes the drone’s operation below:

The company claims its technology can complete a 50-acre scan in 24 minutes and provide data analysis with 95 percent accuracy. Apparently, no specific use cases are available on the company’s website.