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Tag: Grapes


  • Wall-Ye 1000 pruning robot

    Company: Wall-Ye, Macon, FranceWebsite: http://wall-ye.comProduct: Wall-Ye 1000 mobile pruning robot Wall-Ye 1000 pruning robot Application: pruning French vineyardsFunction: autonomous pruningTesting: completed in 2013Availability: for sale and as a servicePrice: 30 000 USD per robot

  • Wageningen UR cucumber harvesting robot

    Company:Wageningen UR (University and Research Centre), Wageningen, The Netherlands and Agritronics, Sint Annaparochie, The NetherlandsWebsite:http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/Wageningen-UR-Greenhouse-Horticulture/Research-themes/Advanced-Cultivation-and-Production-Systems/Subthemes/Computer-vision- and-robotics.htm and http://www.agritronics.nl/Product:Research to deliver high-value crop intelligence systems to commercial research partners/manufacturers Wageningen UR cucumber harvesting robot Area of application: sweet peppers in the Netherlands, apples and grapes in Belgium, canopy spraying in Slovenia and spot spraying in ItalyFunction:…

  • Detection of wilt on vines

    One of the mite pests of grapes is the grapevine caterpillar. Infected leaves develop small bumps, which are also slightly different in color from healthy leaves.Here are some pictures of it:The trained eye can easily spot this disease on a single vine. Unfortunately, if we are talking about a large area, it is not enough…
