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Wageningen UR uborka betakarító robot

Wageningen UR cucumber harvesting robot

  • 348

Company:Wageningen UR (University and Research Centre), Wageningen, The Netherlands and Agritronics, Sint Annaparochie, The Netherlands
Website:http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/Wageningen-UR-Greenhouse-Horticulture/Research-themes/Advanced-Cultivation-and-Production-Systems/Subthemes/Computer-vision- and-robotics.htm and http://www.agritronics.nl/
Product:Research to deliver high-value crop intelligence systems to commercial research partners/manufacturers

Wageningen UR cucumber harvesting robot

Area of application: sweet peppers in the Netherlands, apples and grapes in Belgium, canopy spraying in Slovenia and spot spraying in Italy
Function: harvesting and spraying (spot and canopy)
Testing: yes, for sweet peppers, in July in a commercial greenhouse; for apples and grapes, tests have been completed. Field testing for spraying has been completed. A new combine broccoli visual quality monitoring and vision system has been developed with start-up Agritronics, Sint Annaparochie, The Netherlands
Availability: “This will take several years”
Number: not available